Monday, May 26, 2014

The perfectionist trap

Last week, while driving home, I was thinking about ways to help you get out of the trap. 

You know... the trap that keeps you from selling your stuff. The idea that your products have to be perfect before you launch them. 

So, I decided that I would create a 3 part series on product creation to help you overcome this.

The first step is, of course, accepting the fact that the trap exists. 

Admit it, you're a perfectionist. You want your customers to fall in love with your ebook or course - and you're terrified of refunds.

It's OK.

I'm right there with you. 

So let's work on this together and escape this perfectionist trap that we created for ourselves. Here are my 3 best tips:

Give yourself permission to be human

We're only human. We make mistakes and we learn from them. Perfection is a figment of our imagination. It doesn't exist in the real world but we're so caught up in being perfect that we often forget this. 

Perfection can't be reach, but your best work can. You see, you're only as good as you are right now. There's no sense in waiting to get better because you're just wasting time. Doing your best work does take focus, time, and effort but unlike perfection, it's reachable. 

Don't focus on the result.. 

This goes hand-in-hand with the last point. Focus solely on the action and not the result. If you put all your time, focus and energy on the act of creating your best work, that's exactly what you'll end up with. 

Focusing on the result will only cause you to go back and make changes over and over again because it's not what you imagined it to be. 

Ship fast.. Get Feedback

When it comes to selling products online, you want to send them out into the marketplace and get feedback from your customers to make them better. 

Don't sit on your product for weeks or months wondering if it's ready yet. Let your customers be the judge. The great part about starting out with a small audience is that if you launch something that isn't that good, it doesn't matter. 

As you grow you get better. 

Tomorrow Morning..

I put together a quick start guide to product creation which will launch tomorrow morning. I'll give you more details when it launches, but just know it'll be 50% off for the next 3 days. 

If product creation is something you've been struggling with, this is the course for you. 

See you tomorrow..

- Hector

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Hector Cuevas
2332 University ave.
Bronx, NY 10468, USA

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